8th July 2007

Apple iPhone Plugin for WordPress

This Apple iPhone plugin is absolutely brilliant…….called the iWPhone, it’s very simple, but very cool. It detects the Apple iPhone user agent, and serves up your blog using a very simple stylesheet perfectly formatted to be easy to read on the Apple iPhone without using the zoom-in feature.

Apple iPhone Plugin for WordPressI have it installed and activated on this blog – if you view my blog using your computer you’ll notice it looks very different than if you view it using an Apple iPhone, but on the iPhone you don’t have to strain to read it or zoom way in. You can certainly customize the iPhone stylesheet if you want to, but the default one is so perfect that you don’t need to.

With the some estimates regarding sales of the Apple iPhone at around 525,000 sold in the first weekend, and some estimating as high as 700,000 sold, any serious blogger will want to be sure that their site is iPhone-friendly. This plugin will do exactly that.

I love it – for more information or to download a copy visit http://iwphone.contentrobot.com/. If you like it, throw a donation their way. [Disclosure: I have no affiliation whatsoever with ContentRobot or the plugin developers. I simply really like this plugin and wanted to “plug” it 🙂 ]

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